Friday, March 7, 2008

march 7

This week was interesting. I really enjoyed the conversations we had. As far as what makes good writing I believe last weeks reading proved that you do not need perfect grammar to be a good writer. To me what makes a good writer is the word usage. If you can put words together in ways that wouldnt normally be, you can be on the way to being a good writer. Think about all great writers have their own unique way of wording things. Shakespeare was a great writer not because he knew what verb to use but because he knew how to word things in a way that captured the hearts of his readers. Maya Angelou Mark Twain and other great writers also had there own way. But is writing all about poems plays and novels? I think when we think about great writers we forget those in the music industry. What makes a good song? To me it takes a great writer along with a good producer. When u look at a song on paper most of the time all u will see is words. They don't really make sure that they have every punctuation. If we wrote without all the punctuation would it take away from what we write? Whats the difference between talking and writing. We dont stop a conversation to correct a persons grammar as long as we can understand what it is they are saying. And now with texting as popular as it is we are learning we dont even need complete words to get our message across.

What am I black African American or a Negro? Why do I have to be either? I understand that my ancestors were dragged from Africa to America to be slaves and I really do appreciate my history but I have gone as far as 6 6 generations of my family history and everyone I found was born and raised in columbia south Carolina. I myself have never been to Africa although I would love to go. Therefore I dont consider myself an African American just an American. I was born here and have lived here for most of the 18 years of my life. We dont call whites European Amercians . The only true Americans are Indians. They are the only true race that came from these lands. I think that America should get away from the labels of race and color and except all American born people as Americans and thats it.

Hopefully u noticed that I left off many punctuation marks. How was the read. Was it affected due to the absenceof the punctuationarks?

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